Installed ffmpeg on Mac+Homebrew environment and converted video from .mp4 to .webm How to do it

I’ve been using the black screen (terminal) a bit more lately, and I can’t find it in the GUI It’s getting a little more interesting with the software. This time, as the title suggests, I’m going to install ffmpeg in a Mac+Homebrew environment and make a note of how to convert a video from .mp4 to .webm. mp4 → .webm how to convert to note.

Check environment

Install ffmpeg on Homebrew

Xcode, Homebrew as already included, ffmpeg, and WebM format Install the libvpx needed for the conversion. Installation takes quite some time. Please note that it’s not stopping.

brew install ffmpeg --with-libvpx

Convert video from .mp4 to .webm

I’ve heard that ffmpeg has so many settings, but I’m going to learn the basic form first, and then go from there. It seems to be a good idea to learn the detailed options.

 ffmpeg -i [input video file name] [options] [output video file name]

This time, mp4 video is a way to convert to WebM format. Go to the original video hierarchy of the conversion source, copy and paste the following is fine.

 ffmpeg -i sample.mp4 -strict -2 video.webm


I’ve been using the upload and embed method to Youtube to set up videos on the web. This allows you to create multiple video formats, so you can set up your own server .


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