In PHP’s getimagesize function, the resource ID of WebP is 18
In PHP’s getimagesize function, the resource ID of WebP is 18
I'd like to use the getimagesize function to handle a WebP s…
PHP CSRF measures
PHP CSRF measures
I knew the term "CSRF measures" itself, but I didn't underst…
Manage small data that isn’t as exaggerated as using a database, using PHP and arrays to make it a little easier. method
Manage small data that isn’t as exaggerated as using a database, using PHP and arrays to make it a little easier. method
When you want to use some data in more than one place, most …
How to write PHP and Javascript arrays
How to write PHP and Javascript arrays
I'm not good at arrays, probably because there are a lot of …
How to process multiple lines of textarea input into a form’s textarea in PHP, one by one
How to process multiple lines of textarea input into a form’s textarea in PHP, one by one
Note how to process the contents of multiple lines entered i…
How to put a lot of form values into an associative array in PHP
How to put a lot of form values into an associative array in PHP
When creating a form with many input items, it would be cumb…