Try BitZeny mining on your Mac with a terminal

Try BitZeny mining on your Mac with a terminal


Mining” is often talked about in relation to virtual currency. It’s said to be in the red when you consider the cost of electricity, but it’s good to try to get to the point where you can mine it. I’d like to try mining on a Mac to see if it’s an experience.

Work Environment

Open a BitZeny Wallet Account

Open a BitZeny wallet account from the official website. I will skip the registration process as it seems to be a common one.

When I registered, I got a code called “Niemoc”, but there’s no place to use it! It was. Let’s reserve that for now.

After that, take a note of the random character string called “address” that appears on the login screen. and the first one.

Sign up for the mining pool

A place called the Mining Pool? There are many different types of pools to choose from, I’m not sure what they are, but this time I tried “LA Bitzeny Pool”. There are so many different types, I don’t know what they are, but this time I’m trying out “LA Bitzeny Pool”. I will try to use

  1. LA Bitzeny Pool
  2. zeny MDpool
  3. Rabbit Coin Digest BitZeny Edition
  4. Qianpu (ZNY)
  5. BitZenyPool Kan’ei-Tsho

New Registration. When you register, you need to use the address that you have put in your memo and also need to set up your password and other information Please take a note of your password and other information as it is available.

Register Workers

When registration is completed and you log in, the following screen is displayed. When you select “Workers” from the menu at the top right of the screen, the screen for adding a worker will be displayed. You will see and add

Enter your account information

With Workers selected, select “Edit Account” from the left menu.

Install homebrew

Install homebrew. You can install it by yourself.

Install cpuminer-macchky

Install a BitZeny client called “cpuminer-macchky”, and It’s homebrew, so it’s easy to manage.

1. Add a bitzeny repository.
brew tap bitzenycoredevelopers/bitzeny
  1. Install the mining software (cpuminer-macchky)
    brew install cpuminer-macchky

Type a command and run

All you have to do is enter the following commands. □★◎▲ should be entered with your information.

 minerd -a yescrypt -o stratum+tcp://□ -u ★. ◎ -p ▲.

□...LA Bitzeny Pool address -> "jp.lapool.me:3014
★...LA Bitzeny Pool username
◎...LA Bitzeny Pool worker's name
▲...LA Bitzeny Pool worker's password

The terminal starts working as shown below. Also, if you look at the LA Bitzeny Pool dashboard, you can see that it’s working.

The question is, at what point in time did the mining succeed, perhaps

 accepted: 1/1 (100.00%), 0.44 khash/s (yay!!!)

and “yay! I think it means that you could get the part that shows “yay!

Mac in the middle of mining

The moment I started mining, the CPU cooler is moving around. I looked at the usage of the CPU in the Activity Monitor and it’s over 700%! Horrible WW.


I was scared when the CPU started running more than I expected.

(YAY!!!) I can think “Oh, I got it” at the moment when I became “Oh, I got it”, but more than that, the overuse of the CPU and the electricity bill I felt that it was too much to do on a personal computer, given the