Prepros is good enough for website development level compilers
Prepros is good enough for website development level compilers
When it comes to creating a website, especially a general co…
WordPress with BOGO and DeepL Pro API translation plugin Findings from the multilingualization of
WordPress with BOGO and DeepL Pro API translation plugin Findings from the multilingualization of
Nowadays, the world is becoming more and more globalized... …
In PHP’s getimagesize function, the resource ID of WebP is 18
In PHP’s getimagesize function, the resource ID of WebP is 18
I'd like to use the getimagesize function to handle a WebP s…
Smooth-scrolling to another page’s anchor link while automatically adding a fixed navigation height The jQuery code that is also minus in
Smooth-scrolling to another page’s anchor link while automatically adding a fixed navigation height The jQuery code that is also minus in
Personally, I think the homepage is most efficient with a si…
Mixin for SCSS to efficiently specify “media queries” with a large amount of code description
Mixin for SCSS to efficiently specify “media queries” with a large amount of code description
Here's a note on how to specify media queries efficiently. …
Timer Handling in jQuery
Timer Handling in jQuery
One of the processes that I think you can do to get a little…
I changed the way I write jQuery.
I changed the way I write jQuery.
I know it's rather rudimentary, but I recently changed the w…
siblings() for sibling elements in jQuery
siblings() for sibling elements in jQuery
This is the first time I found out that there is a command t…
PHP CSRF measures
PHP CSRF measures
I knew the term "CSRF measures" itself, but I didn't underst…
Manage small data that isn’t as exaggerated as using a database, using PHP and arrays to make it a little easier. method
Manage small data that isn’t as exaggerated as using a database, using PHP and arrays to make it a little easier. method
When you want to use some data in more than one place, most …
Shortcode to output templates and domain URLs in WordPress
Shortcode to output templates and domain URLs in WordPress
When you specify an image in a post, you can also specify an…
How to prefix all lines with a quotation mark (>) in jQuery
How to prefix all lines with a quotation mark (>) in jQuery
You will often see a quote ( > ) at the beginning of a li…
How to write PHP and Javascript arrays
How to write PHP and Javascript arrays
I'm not good at arrays, probably because there are a lot of …
An easy way to get the total number of posts on a one-person WordPress site
An easy way to get the total number of posts on a one-person WordPress site
You may often want to get the total number of articles, but …
A regular expression to remove the width and height in html
A regular expression to remove the width and height in html
If you include width and height in html, the processing spee…
If you don’t want jQuery to react to anchor links, you can use preventDefault(); if you don’t want to react to the anchor link in jQuery.
If you don’t want jQuery to react to anchor links, you can use preventDefault(); if you don’t want to react to the anchor link in jQuery.
In jQuery, we need to add an anchor with # as a trigger to d…
Shortcut character codes that are useful for creating web manuals for Mac software
Shortcut character codes that are useful for creating web manuals for Mac software
I had the opportunity to create a web manual for Mac softwar…
How to process multiple lines of textarea input into a form’s textarea in PHP, one by one
How to process multiple lines of textarea input into a form’s textarea in PHP, one by one
Note how to process the contents of multiple lines entered i…
How to put a lot of form values into an associative array in PHP
How to put a lot of form values into an associative array in PHP
When creating a form with many input items, it would be cumb…