Apparently, some of the components used in the construction of the house have been standardized.

Apparently, some of the components used in the construction of the house have been standardized.


When building a house, it’s better to install more electrical outlets than ever before|1bit::memo In continuation of “1bit::memo”, we continue to write about houses Memo.

These are notes from a friend, so they may not be accurate. For more information, please check it out for yourself.

Some of the components used in the construction of the house are being standardized, he said. In order to reduce the cost price, the sizes and other components are standardized to lower the unit price. Well, that’s normal and understandable, isn’t it?

Think about a salesperson selling a house.
Figuring out all the parts because there are different parts from different manufacturers and they are too many You can’t have done that.

In addition, because sales is a world where the number of sales is a mere matter of course, there is no such thing as a lax response. It is quite possible that you may be aware of wrong information and speak with them.

It’s better to deal with it with the mindset that you are a sales professional and not a home professional, or you’ll regret it later on. I think it will reduce the number of I think we need to be serious enough to do our own research and know it as information, even if we’re the amateurs in the house. It was a story that I felt.